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A Cloud-Based Multi-Chain IDE

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Why ChainIDE?

  • Agile
  • Debug, Testing, Deploy
  • Multi-Chain Support

We help developers to rush the ideas and get their MVP.

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Consortium Blockchains

Ant Financial OpenChain

Ant Financial OpenChain (Ant OC) is an open BaaS platform based on Ant Financial and Alibaba Cloud's private blockchain. It is a basic blockchain solution in the industry. Ant Blockchain BaaS aims to build an open collaboration platform, which can provide convenient services for enterprises and individuals around the world and bring more equal opportunities.

Ant OC Logo

Try in ChainIDE

Ant OC screenshot
Filoop screenshot
Fisco screenshot
Diem screenshot
Chain33 screenshot
Fabric screenshot

Public Blockchains

Binance Logo

Binance Smart Chain

Binance Smart Chain, or "BSC" for short, is an innovative solution that can bring programmability and interoperability to binance chain. Coin security intelligent chain relies on a system composed of 21 verifiers, which has the consensus of Proof of Staked Authority (POSA) and can support shorter freezing time and lower cost. The candidate with the strongest interests will become the verifier and generate the block. Double sign detection and other slash logic ensure safety, stability and chain certainty.

Try in ChainIDE

Binance screenshot
Ethereum screenshot
IOST screenshot
Nervos screenshot
Ultrain screenshot
Cocos screenshot
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The ETH HACKATHON jointly hosted by the Rebase community, ETHPlanet community, and WhiteMatrix was successfully held both online and offline starting from May 14, 2021. More than 100 developers formed more than 30 teams from all over the country participated in this event, 25 teams successfully completed full-featured and complete demonstrations. Among them, the projects of 5 teams were unanimously approved by the instructor and won the top three in this competition.


University of Alberta and WhiteMatrix jointly organized the BMDS2021. Famous and well-reputed researcher and practitioners from both industry and academia participated and shared their research and thoughts. The event mainly focused on intersection of blockchain knowledge and multimedia data science.


WhiteMatrix, Binance, XEND finance, and Bundle collaborated to train 1000 African developers with one of the most promising technologies for the future, blockchain. Experienced leaders presented the speech on different topics in blockchain from basic to advance. 19.9k developers registered for this event and took benefits from this training. Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) also participated in the opening ceremony of this event. This training continued for 08 days and developers created amazing projects in the end, which proves their potential for blockchain.

Ant OC Logo